Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Let the training commence!

So, it is now officially under 13 weeks to the NYC Marathon. Yes, Mr. NYC Marathon, I am gunning for you in 2008! The McFunski's had a joyous 13 mile jaunt through Hoboken last night, and we are feeling strong and getting closer to kicking NY butt! Of course, before that there are a few half marathons to be conquered, but that's OK. We will hopefully be able to eat those for breakfast by the time NY comes around.

Where will you be on November 2? I hope it's out in my great city cheering us on!

Friday, July 25, 2008

The World Has Lost an Amazing Soul

So, although this blog isn't "official" yet, and this really isn't a "McFunski" activity, I have to post a link to the below article. One of the people I have grown to admire in the past year or so is Randy Pausch, the man who gave the "Last Lecture" last year, has passed away. Above and beyond the grief of his family, friends, those whose lives he has touched and changed, and especially that of his of his wife and children, the world has lost a truly amazing man who possessed amazing powers of self-expression and insight. Not to mention his academic project shares my name. Take a moment and read this. And if you haven't, check out his lecture on line or his book (the lower link has most of that in it). And keep your brick walls in sight--I will be facing one of mine on Sunday. If nothing else, be thankful for what you have, who you are, those in your life and enjoy each day to the max. We only get one shot at this life, so it may as well be the best we can make it.

