Monday, September 14, 2009

Online Dating

So I do online dating, as you already know. It works for me. Not sure why. It's not always easy, or fun, but I get to meet lots of people, expand my horizons, and always learn some interesting stuff about life, and myself, along the way. My latest account is set to expire soon (this month? next month? I don't even know), and I think I am going to take a breather after that again. Dating, whether on-line or in person, is a lot of work, and can be pretty draining. And although I haven't thrown in the towel or "got on the bench" yet, I have a few pieces of advice I would like to share with the men of the online dating world:
1. Guys, if you are going to wink at me, I will wink back IF you have a superstar profile. If your profile is way boring, short, or if I have any questions/doubts in any way about you, I will not show interest.
2. If you wink at me, and you get that wink back, if you follow up by sending a three word or otherwise lame e-mail, I will send back a comparable three word or lame e-mail. See where I am going with this? I am going to match your effort. If you don't put anymore effort out other than the minimum, we are not going anywhere.
3. It will take me about 2-3 e-mails before I go to a phone call. I generally like a phone conversation because I like to get a feel for you based on your voice. I have made one exception to this rule so far, and I have to admit it went well--I didn't meet a stalker, and lived to tell the tale. But I really do like the phone call.
4. Please get a life before you get on this site. I am not saying everyone who online dates has no life, but a lot of you guys don't. Have an activity. Have a passion. Do something fun, sporty, giving. Enjoy your job. If your life is crappy, take steps to fix it. If you are too embarassed to post a recent pic, clean up, fix up, lose weight, whatever you need to do to get yourself to a spot where you are cool with how you look.

That's all for now. Good luck, peeps, and remember, we date to have fun and meet people. I still hold onto the dream that it is possible.