Saturday, October 24, 2009

Lazy lazy days

So I am in a lazy mode. Not sure why, but the weather is a good enough excuse for me. Of course, it's all about to end because I have a packed day ahead of me, but for right now it's nice to pretend that by being lazy I am not wreacking havoc on the rest of my day.

I am torn with letting someone go. My pride doesn't want to let it happen. I really wanted this to mean something. However, actions speak louder than words, and his actions are screaming at me right now. I think I will go ahead and do the date, but leave the ball in his court. I know he is about to go into a hugely busy period in his life, so it is only going to get worse from here. So I should let him go. Just do it, pull off the Band Aid. Ugh.

Or maybe I will just float with it for now and see what happens. But I hate the fade to black. I really do.

Dating sucks.